Spring Is Coming, I think....
All winter I was gifted with a visitor for lunch. Nearly every day while I was eating, I could look out my window and watch the resident downy woodpeckers having their lunch. Usually it was the female, but sometimes Mr. Woody would show up, too. You can tell the difference by the red patch on the back of the male's head. So yesterday I had to get a pic of him! Even though there are still patches of snow in the neighborhood, I was thrilled to see these happy faces in my front garden. I've taken a bit of a break from birds, but now I've started up again. A ruby throated hummingbird. This is a golden crowned kinglet. They are tiny little guys, about the size of hummers. I'm making some bird nests, and having fun doing that. Mostly I'm preparing to vend at the CT La Leche League conference next weekend, so I'm sewing up lots of longies, diaper covers, and skirts in both wool and cotton. Enjoy the light and the warmth (we hope!)!